Valentine Kuhn
Vallette and Valentine Kuhn Sr., were in a position to see the events. When one man began swinging a club, Kuhn knocked him out. Another rioter hid behind a - Person Page 35134
24 Oct 2007 Valentine Kuhn , 46, Anna Maria Kuhn 33; and children: Barbara 12, George 8, and John Henry 4 (Council Journal 32:412-427).
Platte Co., NE - Naturalizations
21 Apr 2009 Frank Valentine Kuhn 1. M, #351332. Last Edited=21 Apr 2009. Frank Valentine Kuhn married Margaret Martin O'Connell, daughter of Daniel John
Auswanderer 1
Valentine Kuhn , bottler, 2824 & h 2832 Bridge William Kuhn, bartender, h
Rothe Valentine Kuhn Annette | LibraryThing
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewCounty, Ohio; married (2) Valentine Kuhn 15 Nov 1881 in Chillicothe, Ohio; born 09 Dec 1849 in. Lampertheim, Hesse Darmstadt, Germany; died 09 Oct 1898 in
Baby's Name, Jordan Valentine Kuhn . Mom & Dad, Hein & Marcelle Kuhn. Date of Birth, 12 Nov 08. Time of Birth, 8h10. Hospital, Netcare Krugersdorp Hospital
Valentine Kuhn
Anthony Kuhn Pechin & Leverington, Roxborough. Valentine Kuhn & Sons (1910-1916) Valentine Kuhn & Sons 4646 Richmond. Daniel Kuhner (1891) Daniel Kuhner
Philadelphia, PA
It's a TEEN Valentine's Day rhyme for a Valentine card. frank west valentine nebraska, home made valentines day cards and valentine kuhn !
Valentine Kuhn
Valentine Kuhn , 46, Anna Maria Kuhn 33. Ch: Barbara 12, George 8, and John Henry 4. 350A on Turkey Cr. in Edgefield Co. Valentine Kuhn settled in the Saluda
Valentine Kuhn
2 Jan 2011 KUHN - At Ocean Grove, on Saturday, January 4th, Lulu, infant daughter of Valentine Kuhn . KING - At Brooklyn, on Thursday, January 2d,
Ogemaw County Marriages 1920 - 1929
4 Feb 2007 Valentine Kuhn 1024 x 768 | 800 x 600. To download wallpapers without ads at the top of the page, please take a few seconds to register
Redford Cemetery (Bell Branch Cemetery) - Wayne County, Michigan
COOK, Agnes Emile 28 JUL 1901 Clifford, Ontario, Can 22 MAY 1982 West Branch, MI Spouse: Clifford Valentine KUHN . Cook, Agnes Emile 28 JUL 1901 CLIFFORD,
Valentine Kuhn
Valentine Kuhn - France - Email, Adresse, Numéro de téléphone, on - [ Translate this page ] 25 oct. 2010 Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur Valentine Kuhn
Records: Births Born in or near Clifford
Kuhn, Clifford, April 2, 1923, Agnes Cook, Valentine Kuhn Kuhn, Valentine, May 7, 1924, Mary Ann Jones Robinson, Martin Kuhn, Effie Smith
Chapter 6
Works by Rothe Valentine Kuhn Annette: Feministische Bibliografie zur Frauenforschung in der Kunstgeschichte…
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